Top Quality Ready Mix Concrete

Ordinary Design Concrete
This type of concrete is one of the most commonly-used, often for the construction of pavements and where buildings don't require very high tensile strength.
Pumpcrete Design Concrete
One of the main property of the concrete used in large mega construction especially for the high-rise construction is the conveyance of the concrete to heights. Hence once such property of concrete to easily pump will result in the design of pumpable concrete. The concrete that is used for pumping must be of adequate workability so that it is easily conveyed through the pipe. The pipe used will be rigid or flexible hose that will discharge the concrete to the desired area. The concrete used must be fluid in nature with enough fine material as well as water to fill up the voids. The more the finer material used, greater will be control achieved on the mix. The grading of the coarse aggregate used must be continuous in nature.
Normal Strength Concrete
The concrete that is obtained by mixing the basic ingredients cement, water and aggregate will give us normal strength concrete. The strength of these type of concrete will vary from 10MPa. The normal strength concrete has an initial setting time of 30 to 90 minutes that is dependent on the cement properties and the weather conditions of the construction site.
Air Entrained Concrete
These are concrete types into which air is intentionally entrained for an amount of 3 to 6 percent of the concrete. The air entrainment in the concrete is achieved by the addition of foams or gas - foaming agents. Some examples of air entraining agents are resins, alcohols and fatty acids.
High Strength Concrete
The concretes that have strength greater than 40MPa can be termed as high strength concrete. This increased strength is achieved by decreasing the water-cement ratio even lower than 0.35.
High - Performance Concrete
These concretes perform to a particular standard but in no case, will be limited to strength. It has to be noted that all the high strength concrete can be high-performance type. But not all high-performance concrete (HPC) are high strength concrete.
Transit Mixers

Concrete Pump

38 Meter Boom Type [ KCP Concrete Pump]
Boom Specification
Vertical Reach : 37.9 m
Horizontal Reach : 34.2 m
Unfolding Height : 9.4 m
Rotation : 370°
Delivery Line : 125mm
Pump Specification
Max Output : 170 ㎥/h
Concrete Cylinder : Ø230×2100
Stroke/Min : 32
Concrete Pressure : 72 bar

Truck Mounted Line Pump [ Putzmeister Concrete Pump ]
Rod Side
Output : 105 ㎥/h
Stroke/Min : 26
Concrete Pressure : 106 bar
Hydraulic Ratio : 3.0
Piston Side
Output : 70 ㎥/h
Stroke/Min : 18
Concrete Pressure : 157 bar
Hydraulic Ratio : 2.0

Trailer Pump [ Sermac Stationary Pump ]
Sermac SCL 80
Up to 20th Floor

Trailer Pump [ Schwing Stationary Pump ]
SP 1200 DRL
Up to 10th Floor